Spelling and telephone alphabet | Active Freight Management Spelling and telephone alphabet

Geef belangrijke boodschappen door via de telefoon zonder misverstanden over de spelling.

Spelling and telephone alphabet
Active Freight Management
Active Freight Management

NATO spelling alphabet / The Dutch telephone alphabet


A Alfa Anna /Anton N November Nico
B Bravo Bernard O Oscar Otto
C Charlie Cornelis P Papa Pieter
D Delta Dirk Q Quebec Quotiënt/Quirinus
E Echo Eduard R Romeo Rudolf
F Foxtrot Ferdinand S Sierra Simon
G Golf Gerard T Tango Theodoor/Tinus
H Hotel Hendrik U Uniform Utrecht
I India Isaak/Izaak V Victor Victor
J Juliett Jan/Johannes W Whiskey Willem
K Kilo Karel X X-Ray Xantippe
L Lima Lodewijk Y Yankee Ypsilon
M Mike Maria/Marie Z Zulu Zaandam/Zacharias